To produce food, feed and fodder sustainably (socially, ecologically and economically),  we need to do more than 'just' recycle nutrients, water and energy in a cradle2cradle or circular economy approach. We need nature-inclusive farming,  conservation,  restoration or regenerative farming, closed-loop farming and low energy input farming. If we want to minimize our too large agricultural footprint, we need to partner with nature towards regionally divers landscapes and we want to get rid of our protectionist regulations.

Agro-ecology covers a variety of approaches that regard agriculture as a complex, interactive, natural and social system, that needs to be resilient in order to survive and produce sustainably.  Agroecology encompasses the whole food system from the soil to the organisation of human societies. It is based on sustainable use of local renewable resources, local farmers’ knowledge and priorities, wise use of biodiversity to provide ecosystem services and resilience, and solutions that provide multiple benefits (environmental, economic, social) from local to global. 

Agro-ecology defends smallholders and family farming, farmers and rural communities, food sovereignty, local and short food supply chains, diversity of indigenous seeds and breeds, healthy and quality food.  It is a science, a practice and a social movement. As a  consultant I can help you change your policy, your organisation or your business to agro-ecology.